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Hot Gym Stud Tormented and Fucked by the Creepy Handyman

Jackson Filmore is changing into his workout clothes without realizing that the Creepy Handyman, Trenton Ducati is looking on. Jackson catches a whiff of his sneakers and gets aroused, doing his work out routine with a hard-on. Trenton can’t help himself and ties Jackson up to a bench. He sucks the boy’s toes, punches his chest, and makes Jackson suck his cock. On an exercise bike with a dildo attached, Jackson is made to fuck his own ass while receiving a hard flogging. With Jackson’s hole primed for fucking, Trenton ties him to a treadmill and fucks him hard. With the workout over, Trenton gives Jackson a stretch fuck at the end of the session and covers his face in cum.


Hot Gym Stud Tormented and Fucked by the Creepy Handyman

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