Gay sex slaves domination videos

Suspended in a center split, helpless uncut stud blows a huge load!

Jackson Filmore is passed out at home when Sebastian and Jesse decided they need a boy to torment and edge. After taking Jackson out of his home they bring him to their underground Boiler Room and tie him spread eagle on the floor, his body pressed to the floor with tight twine as he’s edged repeatedly. Jackson begs to cum but with the bondage so tight he can barely squirm. Jesse feeds him his cock while Sebastian licks his feet and Jackson can’t contain himself, but Sebastian denies him again and again. Tied to the boiler, Jackson gets turned around for an ass fuck by the vibrating dildo that nearly shoots a load out of him. Fully suspended from the giant device he gets another fuck that makes him cum but it’s the post-orgasm torment that really sends him reeling.

Suspended in a center split, helpless uncut stud blows a huge load!

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